How to contribute to the LPM Wiki
The wiki must be edited using GitBook. You will need a GitBook credential (userid and password) from Sergio to gain access. If you already have a Git credential, that credential can be used to access GitBook, once authorized by Sergio. Please note that when you edit the LPM Wiki, your edit will only be a draft until you submit your edit for review and Sergio approves it. Only then will live Wiki pages be updated. So, it is safe to learn to edit the LPM Wiki while editing.
See the LPM Wiki Welcome page for more information about using and editing the LPM wiki.
When learning to use GitBook to edit the LPM Wiki, please note that GitBook documentation exists.
Problems have been encountered copying a selected string from a GitBook documentation web page!?!! 😠 It is possible to copy the string by first using the browser's print function on Windows 10 to print the web page and to then select and copy from the draft displayed by the print function before the page is actually sent to a printer. Sigh.
In the Keyboard shortcuts article, one learns that Ctrl-V will paste a string into Gitbook. among many other useful things. But problems have been encountered pasting a string into GitBook with Ctrl-V when using a Mozilla Firefox browser on Windows 10, but Ctrl-V does work when using the Microsoft Edge browser. 😠 And the Keyboard shortcuts article does not mention that to move the cursor to the beginning of a new line within a block (without creating a new block), type Shift-Enter nor that a selected block or blocks can be deleted using ⌫ or Delete. 😠
And one realizes that the GitBook Content Editor was first implemented on an Apple Mac when one sees pop-ups such as: The symbol in the lower left is evidently intended to indicate the Options key on a MacBook keyboard. Please note that the Alt key on a Windows or Linux keyboard serves the same purpose.
In retrospect, one could easily guess that GitBook was first implemented on a Mac since the names 'GitBook' and 'MacBook' are so similar. 🤔
The GitBook Content Editor Overview article says the GitBook editor is block-based but makes that sound like a good thing when it actually means that formatting is inflexible in many ways.
When the Enter key is pressed at the end of an existing block, a new block is created following the existing block and the cursor is positioned at the start of the new block. A / can then be typed to select the format of the new block. If/when anything else is typed at the start of a new block, the typed content is added to the block and the block becomes a Paragraph block by default. To move the cursor to the beginning of a new line within a block (without creating a new block), type Shift-Enter.
An Ordered list or an Unordered list can only be created by adding a new block which will contain the first item in the list.
It is not possible to convert a Paragraph block to (for example) an Ordered list or Unordered list block. It is, however, possible to create a new block of the desired format, to copy&paste content from the Paragraph block, and to then delete the Paragraph block. As noted in Selecting blocks and interacting with selected blocks section of the Blocks article, a selected block or blocks can be deleted using ⌫ or Delete.
Multiple images can be added in a single Image block in which text is not permitted, but Image blocks do offer more flexible formatting options (resizing, etc) for images. Or, in a block which permits text, type a blank space followed by a / to open an insert palette which allows an image to be added inline with text.
As noted in Adding an inline image to an ordered list section of the Ordered lists article, if an ordered list spans more than one block then, when adding an additional list item in a new block, the item numbering might not correct unless continuation numbering is controlled manually. It is not obvious how to do that. (Note that the cited section documentation instructs you to (for example) type '3. ' to resume an ordered list starting at item 3. The period (.) cannot be omitted from the typed string!)
(It seems worth acknowledging that the GitBook Content Editor is used to compose web pages which are then rendered by web browsers by interpreting the HTML markup language output produced by the Content Editor. A web page is a series of HTML elements which are loosely analogous to Content Editor blocks. But HTML formatting is far less rigid than Content Editor formatting.)
The LPM Wiki has a table of contents down the left side of the page. It is possible to reorder the table of contents by grabbing an entry and dragging it up or down to another position. Grabbing an entry is easy. Just left-click on the entry and hold the left-click. When dragging an entry, the Content Editor graphical user interface (GUI) on Windows 10 is verryyy finicky. It can be hard to get the GUI to present a horizontal line indicating that the new entry will be repositioned between two existing entries. Try moving the cursor very slowly while dragging an entry vertically across the midpoint between two other entries. And if the entry being dragged is dropped onto another existing table of contents entry, it will become a subentry of the entry onto which it is dropped.
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