Hosting Events
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Looking to host an event at Longmont Public Media? Please continue reading down below for information and policies.
Members can request to hold an event online by filling out this form.
On the form, members can request to have an event hosted by Longmont Public Media or request to host the event themselves.
Must be recorded or somehow media-related such as a screening
Staff must approve
Can NOT be in support of a specific political candidate or party
Profits from the event go to LPM. These events are preferably reserved more than one month in advance to allow for marketing by LPM.
Events hosted by LPM are determined by the staff’s judgment based on factors such as – and not limited to – availability, preparation time, and if an event fits the LPM brand of being a public media makerspace that welcomes the community. The staff may choose not to host an event at its discretion. If the staff chooses not to host an event, members can choose to host the event themselves, as long as the conditions of member-hosted events are met (see below).
Staff must approve in a staff meeting
Event branding must clearly identify host, and can use Longmont Public Media branding only to identify location of event
Host assumes all liability for all attending and damage during the event
A valid credit card must be on file for the host of the event
If members would like their event promoted on Longmont Public Media’s channels, they must provide promotion material (examples include: 30 second video commercials, 30 second radio commercials, promotional graphics for social media - 1080px x 1080px usually preferred, posters, and flyers) preferably at least six weeks prior to the event. Promotions for member events are at the discretion of Longmont Public Media staff. Promotion materials provided to staff are prioritized in order they are received, no matter how soon an event is to occur. If members would like to ensure promotion for their event or would prefer LPM to prepare marketing materials for their event, a separate contract can be discussed with LPM to create marketing materials and secure air time on social media, streaming, and public access channels to publicize events. LPM staff cannot force event hosts to change the name of their event. If an event name is derogatory or racist then LPM can choose not to be associated nor promote the event.
Members hosting events will not be charged for events where there are no sales or profits made from the event if the event is four hours long or less. If the event is longer than four hours, then the staff of LPM must determine if additional space rental fees are required.
Any events that sells tickets or receives money during the event must alot a donation to LPM for the event. The donation method will be decided in a meeting with the LPM staff, where the hosting member/member-organization can also present any required paperwork including:
Liability Insurance
Letter of determination for any non-profits aside from LPM receiving donations
Permission from the city to close down the streets (if required for event)
Traffic Control plan (if applicable)
Examples of donation methods can include, but are not limited to:
Sales from the event are split: 80% for event-organizer and 20% for LPM.
An up-front, one-time donation to use the space ($500/day)
A donation based on hourly usage ($100/hr)
Or other options
If the host is in no way profiting from the event they may request an exemption from the required donation for events with sales or profits.
Longmont Public Media is a space for the community and is meant to be safe and open to the public. As part of the member agreement, members agree to keep this space clean, safe, and welcoming. As someone hosting an event in this space, the host agrees as well. The host of any event is responsible for their event and the behavior of their guests. No person attending an event should make LPM an unsafe environment or unwelcoming in any way.
LPM is located inside the Carnegie Library which is a local historic landmark in Longmont. LPM is also a makerspace and anything that may damage the space or the shared equipment is prohibited in this space. Therefore, any events that might cause damage to space such as fire, excessive liquids or foods, or other types of activity potentially hazardous to the space are not allowed.
The space is to be cleaned by the event host immediately following the event. Any furniture or equipment that was moved for the event must be returned at the end unless specified by the staff. Floors should be vacuumed and trash, compost, and recycling taken out. If there is no room in the trash, compost, or recycling then contents need to be bagged and taken with the event hosts. For events with greater than 20 people, hosts should plan on bagging and leaving with trash, compost, and recycling from the event. Lights need to be turned off and all doors must be locked upon exit. If the space is not cleaned up afterwards, the host of the event will be billed for clean-up by Longmont Public Media ($150).
Violations are handled based on corrective guidelines found in:
Prior to the Event
Ethics violations are cause for the immediate dismissal from consideration of adding an event. These violations include, and are not limited to:
Using Longmont Public Media or LPM branding without permission
Advertising an event before getting approval
Using racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise derogatory remarks or symbols in promotional materials
Repeated violations can result in a member being banned from hosting events at LPM.
During the Event
Consequences from ethics violations during an event vary based on the violation and the severity. These consequences will likely include a ban from hosting events in the future. These violations include, and are not limited to:
Not abiding to the agreed upon sales split at an event
Persons suffering from physical, mental, or emotional harm due to an event
Not reporting and/or paying for damage due to an event
After the Event
Consequences from ethics violations during an event vary based on the violation and the severity. These consequences will likely include a ban from hosting events in the future. These violations include, and are not limited to:
Not cleaning the space (which can result in a cleaning fee of $150)
Not returning furniture back to proper place
Not returning equipment to the proper location
Damage of any property or equipment
Theft of any kind
Longmont Public Media may approve or deny an event for any reason.