LPM Policies
Longmont Public Media has a variety of policies and rules to protect our space and our community.
Longmont Public Media Makerspace Polices and Procedures
Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy
Corrective Action & Disciplinary Policy
General Rules
If you get it out, clean it and put it back when you are done. Please make sure to always clean up after using a studio
If you break it or it breaks while you are using it, leave a note on it and notify the LPM Staff so it can be repaired
Longmont Public Media is open to the general public Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Certain Longmont Public Media members have access to the space 24/7.
Some video equipment and studios require a certification (i.e drone) or orientation (i.e audio studio) before use.
The Executive Director is the only Longmont Public Media representative authorized to accept donations.
Artistic nudity or nudity of any kind is strictly prohibited at Longmont Public Media and will cause you to be permanently banned from the premises for life.
Financial Policy
The Board of Directors have determined that the financial goal of Longmont Public Media is to accumulate and maintain an emergency reserve fund with at least 3 months worth of running costs.
Have questions? Please email the LPM Executive Director.
Last updated